LifeCare Dental

Perth City

9221 2777


9409 3619


A simple procedure to restore a smile

Dental veneers are becoming increasingly popular for their ability to repair, protect and enhance the overall appearance of teeth. Whether you are looking to repair a chipped or worn tooth or you simply dream of attaining the perfect smile, a dental veneers treatment could help you achieve those goals.
Dental Crowns and Bridges

Preferred Providers

Health Funds

What is a Dental Veneer?

A dental veneer is a thin, custom-made covering that is placed over the front of the tooth. Veneers can be applied in a simple procedure that only requires a few visits. Dental veneers are popular for restoring the strength and appearance of teeth that may be:

  • Crooked
  • Poorly shaped
  • Gapped
  • Discoloured
  • Chipped or worn
  • Cracked or broken

Generally used as a cosmetic dental treatment, veneers are perfect for patients whose teeth are naturally yellow or have a grey cast and can’t achieve a white smile with bleaching. They are also a solution for patients suffering from a chip or crack in their tooth to repair the shape and protect the tooth from further problems.

Dental Crowns and Bridges
Dental Crowns and Bridges

Types of Dental Veneers

There are two main types of dental veneers available. The material you choose to use for your veneers is dependent on your individual desires and budget.

Composite Resin Veneers

Composite resin veneers are usually placed on the tooth in just one appointment. Once the tooth has been reshaped for the veneer, the dentist bonds and shapes the composite material to best match your teeth. A special light is then used to harden the material and the veneer is smoothed to look like a natural tooth. While these are a more affordable option than porcelain veneers, they last 4-8 years and require more maintenance as they are more prone to chipping.

Porcelain Veneers

A more durable and longer-lasting option, porcelain veneers can last 12-25 years and rarely require maintenance. The dentist will make an impression of your prepared teeth and send them to a laboratory, where they can replicate the shape for your veneers. Once they have been made, the dentist will ask you back to the practice so they can ensure the veneers are the perfect shape, fit and colour-match for your teeth. Dental cement is then used to bond the veneers to the teeth.

Why Choose Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are a popular choice due to their low maintenance and the need for relatively little changes to be made to the existing teeth. They generally require less removal of the tooth enamel than dental crowns, and good oral hygiene is the only maintenance required (unless chipping occurs) once they have been bonded to the teeth.

Are There Any Alternatives?

Once the enamel of the tooth has been reshaped and prepared for a dental veneer, this is irreversible. For this reason, some patients may like to consider alternative, less permanent treatments, such as teeth whitening.

Teeth Whitening

If you are simply experiencing discolouration and you would like to brighten your smile, you may like to consider teeth whitening. In-chair teeth whitening products that are applied by a dental professional can give you fast results for a beaming smile.

The content on the LifeCare Dental website is provided for education and information purposes only. Information about therapy, service, product or treatment does not imply endorsement and is not intended to replace advice received from your dentist, doctor or other registered health professionals. LifeCare Dental makes no claim as to the accuracy or authenticity of this content.

Additionally, LifeCare Dental does not accept liability to any person for the information or advice provided on this website or incorporated into it by reference. Content has been prepared for Western Australian residents and wider Australian audiences, and was accurate at the time of publication. Readers should note that, over time, currency and completeness of the information may change. All users are urged to always seek advice from a registered health care professional for diagnosis and answers to their medical questions.

Frequently Asked Questions
What if I don't have all the required information to complete a form?

If you do not have all the required information such as a Medicare card number, you will need to contact your practice's administration staff in-person or by calling them on 9221 2777 (Perth City) 9409 3619 (Kingsway) so they can advise you of how to proceed.

What if I don't know how to get the information I need?

If you're unsure how to get the information you need to complete the form, you will need to contact your practice's administration staff in-person or by calling them on 9221 2777 (Perth City) or 9409 3619 (Kingsway) so they can advise you of how to proceed.

Why can’t I submit my form?

There may be outstanding required fields that you need to answer before submitting your form. You should see each field that requires an answer in a red box at the bottom of your form. Once you have answered all fields, if a signature is required, you must sign your signature electronically using your mouse or fingers in the box provided.

If you are still unable to complete the form, you can fill out the form on paper at the clinic before your appointment.

I’ve already submitted this form, do I need to do it again?

If you have already submitted this form to your practice, you do not need to complete the form again. If you're unsure whether the practice received your form submission, we suggest contacting the practice directly by calling them on 9221 2777 (Perth City) 9409 3619 (Kingsway) to ask them directly.

Still have more questions?
Contact our reception team for more information
9221 2777 (Perth City)
9409 3619 (Kingsway)