Dr Christopher Vu
BCom (UWA), DMD(Dist) (UWA)
Perth City (Forrest Chase)
Upper Level Forrest Chase
T18/200-204 Murray Street
Forrest Chase
(08) 9221 2777
About Me
Chris has prior experience working in government dental clinics in the Perth Metropolitan area and Bunbury. He has also volunteered overseas in Cambodia, providing emergency dental care to disadvantaged communities.
Chris has an interest in all areas of general dentistry and particularly enjoys the initial consultation where he gets the pleasure of knowing each patient individually and working with them towards a personalised plan. He prides himself on his work and would only perform treatment he would do so on his own family members. His biggest goal is to always provide treatment in the most relaxing and comfortable way possible for all his patients.
Outside of dentistry Chris enjoys playing basketball, squash and going for the occasional run along the river. He also enjoys binging old episodes of Friends in his downtime.